About Suburban Life

An exercise in peripatetic onanism, that’s what this is (I know, I know, “blog as masturbation” has the same insight value as “hotdog as junkfood” but, hey – ever look up “irony” in the whatsitcalledagain?). Simplistic, solipsistic [sp?] and satisfying. Well, two out of three ain’t bad anyway. Good enough for contract work. If you can glean hard information on what I’m up to from the ramblings, good on you, but you should probably examine closely your motivation for trying.

4 Responses to “About Suburban Life”

  1. Ria M. Riesner Says:


    Word on Cairo street that you are awaiting baby. Many congratulations. I cant wait to see pics!

    I am in Washington, working at Georgetown Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, taking a lot of Fusha, just ran a marathon, volunteering a lot for Hillary Clinton (I know, Ive heard it from Hossem and all the rest – Israel’s best friend Hillary, but I like her anyway).

    Do write in and let me know what else is up with you.


  2. MC Says:


    I am writing this blog just for you. Please give my very best to Hil. Who’s Israel?



  3. Ria Says:

    Israel, as in the country.

    Write me on email, min fadlak. It would be great to chat off-blog.


  4. Ria Says:

    name of baby and details please.

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