Zionism has won!” declares “dovish” former education minister in Israel (Ok, he said “Zionism has already won”). Niiiice. He was commenting on the removal of the word “naqba” from a third-grade history text for Arabs in the Israeli school system.

No word in the piece on what it might be replaced with, but sources who have no idea what went on are suggesting that “arrival of civilization from the west” is the leading contender at this point. They add that “final solution” didn’t even make the short list.

A week of contemplating the rain soaked scenery of one of Canada’s several Occupied Territories has left me refreshed but a little addled. All that home made booze seems to have scrambled something upstairs, if you know what I mean. Referring of course to the Gulf Islands, home to a small indigenous hippy population. Watched over by a small contingent of Canada’s finest (hey, you need to complete high school to get into the RCMP!), these quaint folk spend their days in various traditional pursuits. We were proud to be invited to a nit-combing bee while we were there. We turned down the pot circle, though, as well as the grievance rehearsal. We did catch the first day of a dream catcher conference, however.

Today, back home, I cleaned a tennis ball that T picked up in the park. Watchful dad that I am, I didn’t think he needed to ingest any more dog spitaki than he already has.

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